What makes a bad clothing

What makes a bad clothing

We see a lot of fashion brands ignoring their product descriptions. The reason for this falls typically into one of the below: 

  • They don’t have the budget to commission high-quality product descriptions. 
  • They think manufacturer product descriptions will do. 
  • They write clothing descriptions for Google, not their customer. 
  • Their inventory is too big, and they don’t have the time. 

When a brand finds itself in this pool of product page neglect, the descriptions on its site will probably look a little like this: 

  • It will lack information, be incomplete and miss details that would likely be frustrating for the customer. 
  • It will use ambiguous or vague language. 
  • It will be rather generic and fail to capture the customer’s attention. 
  • It will use an inconsistent brand voice. 
  • It will make exaggerated or unrealistic claims. 
  • It will ignore the target audience and fail to make note of their need or desire. 
  • It will be long, unorganised, and optimised neither for the reader nor SEO.

Customers don’t want to buy unremarkable things. Your product copy needs to pack a punch. Here are ten clothing brand description examples from fashion labels at the top of their game. 

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